- Km. 40 Miles Canyon
- Km. 93 Lower Laberge
- Km. 161 17 Mile Wood Camp
- Km. 186 Hootalinqua
- Km. 186 Hootalinqua Island
- Km. 216 Cyr’s Dredge
- Km. 385 Five Fingers Coal Mine
- Km. 401 Yukon Crossing
- Km. 477 Fort Selkirk
- Km. 530 Selwyn
- Km. 836 Fortymile
In 1887, geologist G. M. Dawson found seams of coal here, part of a large deposit extending to Carmacks. C. J. Miller started the first mine at this site and sold out to the Five Fingers Coal Co. in 1903. At that time, the coal was used for refuelling sternwheelers and heating residences. A tramway carried the coal from the shafts to a wharf where it was loaded on to steamers. In 1908, this excavation was abandoned for the more productive Tantalus Butte coal mine. The original workings, located mostly under the river, have filled with water and collapsed.
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