- Km. 40 Miles Canyon
- Km. 93 Lower Laberge
- Km. 161 17 Mile Wood Camp
- Km. 186 Hootalinqua
- Km. 186 Hootalinqua Island
- Km. 216 Cyr’s Dredge
- Km. 385 Five Fingers Coal Mine
- Km. 401 Yukon Crossing
- Km. 477 Fort Selkirk
- Km. 530 Selwyn
- Km. 836 Fortymile
For over forty years, there were 100 to 150 wood camps along the Yukon's rivers cutting fuel for the sternwheelers. Every winter, 200 to 300 cords of firewood were cut at each camp. The woodcutter built roads to enlarge his area, using horses and later trucks to haul the logs. Depletion of timber stands and conversion to oil ended this local industry.
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