- Km. 40 Miles Canyon
- Km. 93 Lower Laberge
- Km. 161 17 Mile Wood Camp
- Km. 186 Hootalinqua
- Km. 186 Hootalinqua Island
- Km. 216 Cyr’s Dredge
- Km. 385 Five Fingers Coal Mine
- Km. 401 Yukon Crossing
- Km. 477 Fort Selkirk
- Km. 530 Selwyn
- Km. 836 Fortymile
Almost all Yukon rivers belong to two of the largest river drainages in North America: the Mackenzie and the Yukon. The Teslin, Pelly, White, Stewart, Klondike, Fortymile and Porcupine rivers flow into the Yukon River. The Liard, Frances, Blackstone, Wind, Bonnet Plume, Snake and Ogilvie rivers all eventually flow into the Mackenzie River. The Alsek and the Tatshenshini rivers flow into the Gulf of Alaska.
Pick your river trip carefully; they can vary from a three-week float down the Yukon River to a truly hair-raising experience on the wild and twisty Bonnet Plume.