Trail #1 - Klondike Goldfields, Km. 7

Midnight Dome (Dome Road)

Photo from Midnight Dome (Dome Road)

The Midnight Dome

About 150 people, "many of whom were ladies,” attended the first formal gathering here to see the midnight sun on June 21, 1899. Weary mountaineers were greeted with a selection of nuts, candies, cigars and soft drinks at suitably elevated prices. Both the British and American flags were raised and the ceremony began with a bugle call. The highlight of the evening was a speech by playwright and poet Captain Jack Crawford. Disappointing the crowd, the sun set one-half hour before midnight and rose two hours later. No one, from this time on, expected to see the midnight sun on the solstice, but the Dome remains a popular spot for sightseeing and celebrating the long summer nights.

As the Dawson population declined, Dawson ministers began holding midnight church services on the Dome. In 1905, Rev. W.H. Barraclough preached from Revelation 22-5. Miss Harold of the Christian Science Society, Professor Trumpour, a visiting Anglican professor from Vancouver, Archdeacon Shirley of the local Anglican Church, and Rev. Findlay of the United Church of Canada held a Union Service on the Dome in 1925. The ministers may have outnumbered the audience as they preached for half an hour around a small campfire.

In September 1925, a road was built from the graveyards to the Dome to accommodate the steamboat passengers who arrived on a one-day sightseeing tour. White Pass & Yukon Route donated $500 to the project. The labour was done by members of the Yukon Order of Pioneers who borrowed a Caterpillar tractor and a plough from the City.

Big Changes Over Time

The Midnight Dome is a knob of metamorphic rock, common to the area south of the Tintina Trench fault line. The geology of the two edges of the Trench differs greatly due to a slippage of 450 km that occurred over the last 65 million years. Generally speaking, gold-laden placer gravels occur south of the Trench and hardrock deposits of lead, zinc and coal are found on the north side.

The Tintina Trench in the Dawson City area marks the edge of the glaciers as they existed 3 million years ago. This glaciation may have changed the direction of the flow of the Yukon River from south to north. The river cut a path through the bedrock instead of making a path in the lower, but ice-filled, Tintina Trench. Later glaciations may have changed the direction of the Yukon River again but today, the river flows north.

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